Creating a Platformer Environment in Minutes

To use this feature, take a screenshot of your viewport and paste it into the Reference Image. Then, select "Structure Mode" in ControlNet and add a prompt related to what you want to create.

With this tool, you can rapidly iterate on your game level designs, experimenting with different layouts and structures until you find the perfect fit

Step 1: Preparing Your Viewport

     Start by creating a basic layout in your game level design software. You don't need anything fancy at this point, just a rough layout to provide a starting point. This could be a simple terrain, a few blocks representing buildings, or anything else you want to include.

Once you have your basic layout, take a screenshot. This will be your Reference Image

Step 2: Using ControlNet

     Next, open Scenario's ControlNet. Paste your Reference Image into the appropriate field. Select "Structure Mode". This mode is ideal for working on the layout and structure of your level.

Step 3: Adding a Prompt

     Now, add a prompt related to what you want to create. This could be something like "A post-apocalyptic cityscape with crumbling buildings and overgrown vegetation". The more detailed your prompt, the better the results will be.

Step 4: Choosing a Model

     Now is the time to select the model that best suits the style you are aiming for. In this tutorial, I used the Stable Diffusion 1.5 Dreamy Environment Art, Lo-Fi Concept Art - Landscape, and 3D Render Style v1 models.

Step 5: Generating the Image

     Click "Generate" to create your image. After a few moments, you will see a preview of your generated image. You can then make adjustments to your prompt or settings and generate again until you're satisfied with the results.

Step 6: Iterating on Your Design

     One of the great things about Scenario's ControlNet is that you can rapidly iterate on your designs. If you're not happy with the results, simply adjust your prompt or settings and generate a new image.Keep iterating until you're happy with your design. You can then use this as a reference for further development of your game level.Remember, the goal here is not to create a final, polished level design. Instead, you're using ControlNet to quickly and easily experiment with different concepts and ideas.

Step 7: Finalizing Your Design

     Once you're happy with your design, you can finalize it. You might want to add additional details, textures, or elements in your game level design software.Use your generated images as a guide, but don't be afraid to deviate from them if you come up with new ideas.That's it! With Scenario's ControlNet, you can create game level designs in minutes. Happy designing!
Some of the generated results are shown below: