Introducing Scribble Mode

Scribble mode is a ControlNet setting that extracts compositional information from a provided reference image. Scribble mode looks for very quick and general structural details and creates a very simple map which it infers information from

What are good examples of reference images?

     Like many modes in ControlNet, there are instances when just about any image will do. However, there are some good rules of thumb with scribble. Primarily, scribble mode looks to simplify and then emphasize the linework of a reference image.

     For this reason, images with minimalistic qualities or rough hand drawings tend to get the best results.

Examples of Good References

     We have included examples of a number of images in this guide. For best results, we recommend images similar to what you see below - simple and clean lines that are easy to reference and replicate. However, it is possible to use more complex linework, so long as a designer is prepared for much of the information in that linework to be discarded.

grid (6)


Feature highlights

     Every mode in ControlNet has different features. We’ve shared the primary feature highlights below.

Interesting alternative to pose for portraits

     As scribble mode retains only the main face feature outlines in most portrait input images, it can be a useful portrait tool for transposing a predetermined style or character model over a reference image. It is particularly useful for retaining details such as the hair and specific face structure, much of which pose mode does not have context for. Unlike alternative modes, scribble is simple enough that the style of the model is a primary influence.




Utilizing loose structural elements in design

Although complex details are lost in scribble mode, these are in some cases details a designer may want to discard. In scribble mode, it is possible to leverage the simplification of an image to get the general shape details of the reference image, while also retaining some linework elements.



Upstyling hand drawn references

One of the most interesting features of scribble mode is it’s ability to take a simple and quick sketch, and expand upon it. While we recommend more complex line art being used in line art mode, there are many instances where a design may find themselves working from quick sketches. In this case, scribble mode is a very useful tool.


     These hand drawn references can be incredibly simple, as shown below.


Bringing flat drawing or vector images to life

Lastly, scribble mode is incredibly useful for taking simple minimalistic drawings and vector style images, and helping a designer re-imagine them as complex 3D or illustrated designs with the right model. With a simple prompt, a flat drawing can be the inspiration for nuanced and complex visual ideation.

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     Scribble mode is a very versatile tool, and a great assistant to trained illustrators. As a reminder, a few important points to think about when you are choosing your reference image:

  • Simplicity of design
  • Sketch quality
  • How important it is for all the details of your reference image to be preserved

Thanks for reading, and enjoy creating with scribble mode!