Prompt Spark

Prompt Spark is an assistant to craft relevant prompts for your custom models.

Prompt Spark is a powerful feature in Scenario designed to refine and personalize prompts for your custom models. It enhances prompt creation by leveraging insights from two primary sources: (1) the captions of your training images and (2) the prompts from your pinned images. This dual approach ensures that your prompts are precisely aligned with your specific needs and preferences.

How it Works:
  1. Captions of Training Images: Prompt Spark leverages the captions from your training images to guide prompt creation. By analyzing the structure and content of these captions, it generates prompts that are closely aligned with your model’s context and objectives. When exploring a custom model, using Prompt Spark ensures that the generated prompts are relevant and tailored to your specific image captions.

  2. Pinned Images: As you pin images to your model page, Prompt Spark becomes progressively more attuned to your preferences. It analyzes these pinned images and generates prompts that reflect the characteristics and themes you’ve highlighted. The more images you pin, the more refined and customized Prompt Spark’s generated prompts become, aligning closely with your selected visual cues.

  • Generates Multiple Prompt Variations: Prompt Spark can create up to 5 intelligent prompt variations, providing diverse options to match your specific needs.
  • Streamlines Ideation: It simplifies the process of developing new prompts, delivering high-quality variations efficiently. This helps you quickly explore different angles and perspectives for your custom models.
Using Prompt Spark:
  • Start from Scratch: Begin with a blank prompt box, allowing Prompt Spark to generate creative and relevant suggestions from the ground up.
  • Guide with Keywords: Alternatively, input a few keywords to steer Prompt Spark in the desired direction. The tool will craft prompts around these initial words, offering tailored suggestions that align with your model’s goals.

This feature simplifies and accelerates the creative process, enabling you to achieve desired results swiftly and efficiently.