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Using Schedulers

The Role of a Scheduler in Generative AI

A scheduler helps in generating images by managing the process of refining them step by step.

  • Denoising Samples: It takes the model’s output and a specific point in the process (called a timestep) to clean up the image.
  • Timesteps: These are points in the process that indicate how far along the image is in its development.
  • Forward and Backward Process: The image is created by moving forward through these timesteps, and fine-tuning (inference) happens by moving backward through them.

They offer a wide variety of results. Depending on your use case, select the one that best fits your needs. For a full list of schedulers accessible via the API please see:

We generally recommend the default scheduler for a majority of use cases. Adjusting the scheduler is for advanced users.


For a deep dive into Schedulers (also called Samplers) follow this link!


Results Comparison

The following grids of images have been generated using:

  • the same model 
  • the same seed
  • the same prompt: "a bear alone in dark woods"

You'll notice that the highest number of steps or guidance doesn't necessarily give the best results.

30 steps

30 steps, variations on guidance and scheduler40 steps

40 steps, variations on guidance and scheduler50 steps

50 steps, variations on guidance and scheduler

Using LCM Scheduler:


  • Significantly increases the speed and efficiency of image generation on Stable Diffusion 1.5 and SDXL.

Guidelines for Using LCM:

  1. Default Settings: After selecting the LCM Scheduler, you’ll see lower default values for Sampling Steps and Guidance compared to other schedulers.
  2. Quality Trade-Off: Be aware that using the LCM Scheduler can decrease image quality, leading to some undesirable effects in certain outputs.

Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 10.22.19 PM

Adjusting Settings:

  • Sampling Steps: Increase by 1 per iteration to test the response (maximum of 6 for SDXL recommended).
  • Guidance: Decrease in increments of 0.5. Effective values for SDXL are usually around 1.0 to 1.5.


  • Use caution when adjusting settings to find the right balance between speed and quality.