Both Retouch and Scenario Live provide powerful tools for precise image editing. This section covers all available options to help you edit content with maximum control and efficiency.
Vertical Toolbar (B) in Retouch
Vertical Toolbar (B) in Scenario Live
These tools are located in the same toolbar (area "B" shown above, both for Retouch and Scenario Live). The vertical toolbar contains all essential editing tools, from top to bottom:
Selection Tool (arrow): Select, move, and manipulate elements or layers
Sketch Tool (Shortcut: S): Draw directly on your canvas with adjustable brush sizes. Adjust brush size by holding Shift while moving the mouse up/down. Use the Color Picker (Shortcut: C) to select colors from your image or from the color palette panel (including transparency options).
Erase Tool (Shortcut: E): Remove portions of the selected layer with a brush tool
Masking Tools: Selected areas to edit using:
Brush mask: Paint your selection directly
Lasso (Shortcut: L): Draw a perimeter around the area
Smart Selection: AI-assisted selection that intelligently detects edges
Resize - Adjust the size of the canvas (not applicable to Scenario Live yet)
Import: Add images from your gallery or computer as new layers
Undo/Redo: Navigate through your editing history
Delete: Remove selected elements
The layer management is located in area "D" shown above, to the right (Right Panel - not available in Live)
This layer panel lets you:
View and select different layers
Toggle visibility using the "eye" and "target" icons (click on eye once to ensure the layer is visible. Click twice, all layers are visible. Click on "target" to make only that layer visible)
Lock/unlock layers to prevent accidental changes
Reorder layers by dragging them up or down
Add new layers via the "Add layer" button
Merge multiple layers using "Merge (x)" (after you select "x" layers) or "Merge All"
(Displayed on top of the layer - not available in Live)
Click on a Layer (“arrow icon”) or select a layer, and a horizontal menu appears at the top, with these options:
Flip: Mirror your selected layer horizontally or vertically, reversing its orientation while maintaining all other properties
Effects: Apply visual enhancements like blur, brightness adjustments, color filters, borders, and shadows to transform your layer's appearance
Fit: Automatically resize the layer to fit the dimensions of the entire canvas
Crop: Trim the layer to specific dimensions
Remove BG: Automatically remove the background of the specific layer
Enhance: Improve resolution and details (here)
Transparency: Adjust layer opacity with the slider (0-100%)
Duplicate: Create an identical copy of the layer
Delete: Remove the layer (trash icon)
Switching Between Modes: Scenario offers fluid movement between “Retouch“ and “Live“ modes, all while preserving your work, in both directions.
When switching to Live, your current canvas (with all visible layers) becomes your starting point for real-time AI generation (aka live painting).
When returning to Retouch, the latest Live-generated result appears as a new layer in Retouch, maintaining the “non-destructive” workflow. This integration creates a powerful creative cycle where you can leverage both precise manual editing and dynamic AI generation, moving between modes as needed while preserving your entire creative history.
Export Options:
Click the blue "Export" button in the top right corner
Choose to export the entire canvas view as a PNG, or export selected layers as separate PNG files
Either save your creation to your Scenario gallery (optionally adding it to a collection), or download it directly to your computer
Press "H" anytime to display all keyboard shortcuts
Using shortcuts significantly speeds up your workflow. Common shortcuts include S (Sketch), E (Erase), C (Color Picker) and L (Lasso), as well as Cmd/Ctrl+Enter to trigger a generation
For maximum efficiency, we recommend familiarizing yourself with keyboard shortcuts and practicing layer management on Retouch and Scenario Live. The non-destructive editing approach in Canvas allows you to experiment freely, knowing you can always revert changes or adjust individual layers as needed.
Image-To-Image Generation: Scenario API Documentation - POST /generate/img2img
Inpainting Generation: Scenario API Documentation - POST /generate/inpaint
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